Why choose us for the technical support?

We provide original and guaranteed spare parts, as well as worldwide technical support and prompt reparation times.

Depending on the work required, we can provide both assistance on-site or Receiving and Return.

  • On-Site Assistance

    This is carried out at the client’s plant and has the advantage of reducing the impact on the company’s activities.
    This is recommended for ordinary maintenance and smaller malfunctions.

  • Receiving and Return Assistance

    It is required for more complex repairs that, due to the necessary time or the tools needed, can only be performed at our Company site.
    In these cases we will collect the damaged equipment and return it completely overhauled and functioning.

Factory: Viale Francia, 3/A 35020 Ponte San Nicolò (PD) (Italy)
Ph: +39 049 8072302 - Fax: +39 049 7819512
VAT NBR. 04661890287 - Iscrizione Rea 407992 - Registro Imprese di Padova 0466189287 - Cap. Sociale Euro 50.000,00 i.v.
Email Saba Engineering>